To understand sensorial modalities is to understand not only perception but also imagination and imaginaries and also relationships and organisms… Somatic Architecture grows from multiple bodies that we want to know: their “body images” delineated in between others by socio-political aspects guide their actions, their modus operandi and their suggested architectures… in PSAAP through interviews (IPA method) and participative exhibitions we explore body images in order to do architecture able to recognize and support all these bodies. These drawings are part of the ones developed by participants in our exhibition in Hamburg some months ago… now we work with a community of African women in Madrid… little by little we continue making larger our imaginaries of bodies, their actions and constructions… all is part of our research in Anthropology of the Senses: POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE that feeds our productions… we design for human and not human organisms and we want to know how they evolve and how they are…