Entanglement is a series of LECTURES and SOMATIC HAPPENINGS + SOMATIC ETHNOGRAPHIES + BODY-TO-BODY Sessions celebrated in Biel, Switzerland, during the summer of 2022.

“We are a living organism and the multitude of systems that compose us are interrelated. As living beings we are in continuous change and in movement. We undergo developments, crises, recoveries; we are born and we die. And all this happens in close relation to the environments around us, whether they are designed or (as we used to call them) natural. We would say even more, we and our environments are in continuous entanglement, we build or destroy ourselves, we evolve or transform at the same time, we design each other (we co-constitute each other). The history of our environments is also our own history – that of all beings in this multi-species amalgam”.

María Auxiliadora Gálvez, 2019 – revised in 2022
(Excerpt from the book “Espacio Somático. Cuerpos Múltiples”)

To understand this in a deep way we need a renewed perception: that is what ENTANGLEMENT is all about.

Entanglement is a work developed with the Feldenkrais community in Biel. It is a happening of Somatic ACTIVISM revealing our interspecies body, revealing bodies as environments.

Author: María Auxiliadora Gálvez

Event developed thanks to the collaboration with the Feldenkrais community in Biel. Thanks to Martin Mosimann.