The intervention promotes the discovery of an almost unknown landscape in Boadilla del Monte, Madrid. The old munitions dumps of Monte Gancedo are currently abandoned and have been conquered by time and nature. The format of this proposal is a four-day workshop, with an action and a “piece” developed afterwards. The first phase (the workshop) consists of field and conceptual research through the direct experience in the place. The goal is to form a richer anthropological collective imagination of places, situations and rituals. It is an amplified taxonomy of landscape perceptions. Alternative landscape navigations are produced, an example: “Follow the leader/ Follow the horizon”. In the chosen site nothing is what it seems to be and we should check continuously our geographical position and our reading of the place. The actions of each group leave a creative and anthropological horizon, which was not present at the beginning of the workshop. The target was to overlap these explorations using cartography or series of alternative documents, always repeating the exploration of the same trajectory but looking each time to different aspects… Following cycles… recovering experiences like the “Experiments in the Environment” by Anna and Lawrence Halprin.


Workshop directors: Juan Barrero, Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez, Andoni Larrabeiti, Begoña López and Fátima Sarasola.

Action direction (done after the workshop, see the Civic Ecology project and the TOUCHandGOreality Collective): Gala Pérez Iñesta

Sponsoring institution: School of Architecture EPS San Pablo CEU University, Madrid.

Advisors and consultants: Alejandro Gómez, Miguelito Gómez, Aurora Herrera, Edgardo Mercado, Daniela Muttis, Andrés Perea and Picado & de Blas

Collaborator: Taller Parámetrico EPS San Pablo CEU

General coordination: Victoria Cobeña

Participants: GROUP 1: Agustín Miranda Gómez, Ana Fernández Galván, Cristina Alonso Reyes, Roberto de Vicente Pina; GROUP 2: María Arenal, Xavier Espinos Bermejo, Carmen Martín Hernando, Paula Vidal García, Eduardo Chamorro; GROUP 3: María Soledad Antón Vicente , Sofía Cano Catalán, June Montreal Roberto, Irene Climent; GROUP 4: Rocío Santo Tomás Muro , Odette Suárez de Puga, Eva Seijas, Ana Barderas, Santiago Kawabata; GROUP 5: Ana Taboada de Zúñiga, María Día, Carlos González del Mazo, Marta Yubero Abad, Silvia Mestre Gómez; GROUP 6: Diana Melissa Gómez Agudelo, Eva Palomo Gutiérrez, Alejandro Iglesias, Ana Pérez Fernández; GROUP 7: Óscar Llorente Martínez, Lucía Espinos, Marta Gregorio Antón, Ana Olalla Melian.