María Auxiliadora Gálvez starts a new stage as Full Professor at the E.T.S.A.M - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid! It is very exciting to see these three acronyms together!!! and so many projects going through them!!!!
We are so happy to be able to start a new phase of our project ‘Bioconstructors. Ecologies of Intimacy: Borders’. All thanks to being part of the ARQUILIB research project, directed by Fernando Quesada, which has just been selected to receive funding as a knowledge generation project by the Spanish government through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We are happy to be on the team with this line of work that has been with us since 2021. It brings together both ends of the Mediterranean (western
We invite you to read the review of the book "Bailar la Ciudad" (Dancing the City) in issue 22 of ZARCH.
We are very excited to be part of the jury of the XIII BIAU Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism based in Lima, Perú, along with such a wonderful curatorial team and other colleagues like Ana María Durán Calisto or Surella Segú in the categories of “Otras Coordenadas” and “Publicaciones”
We invite and encourage you to submit proposals in any of the 6 categories: works, trajectories, publications, pedagogies, new rules and other coordinates.
We are very excited to be part of the jury of the XIII BIAU Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism based in Lima, Perú, along with such a wonderful curatorial team and other colleagues like Ana María Durán Calisto or Surella Segú in the categories of “Otras Coordenadas” and “Publicaciones”
We invite and encourage you to submit proposals in any of the 6 categories: works, trajectories, publications, pedagogies, new rules and other coordinates.
Thanks to all of you who were at the Feria del Libro de Madrid last Saturday, at the stand of La Casa de la Arquitectura and Fundación Arquia. It was a pleasure to talk together about our books at Ediciones Asimétricas: "Espacio Somático. Cuerpos Múltiples", "Descampados. Caminar los Paisajes Revolucionarios en la Ciudad Somática" and the book by Andrés Perea that we have just published "Maneras de Dimensionar un Bosque", all of which are available in bookshops and on the Ediciones Asimétricas website. Thank you for reading, talking and making it possible for us
Next Saturday 15th June I will be signing books at the @ferialibromadrid in the Retiro Park, at the stand 21C of @casadelaarquitectura @fundacion.arquia with @edicionesasimetricas. We will have copies of "Descampados. Caminando los Paisajes Revolucionarios en la Ciudad Somática" (Wastegrounds. Walking the Revolutionary Landscapes in the Somatic City), of "Espacio Somático. Cuerpos Múltiples" (Somatic Space. Multiple Bodies) and I will also be able to comment on the book of writings by Andrés Perea that I have had the honour of editing recently: "Maneras de Dimensionar un Bosque" (Ways of Dimensioning a Forest).
See you there!! at 11.30 a.m.
We are so happy to have developed the scenography ANGELS for the piece WE HOPE THIS HELPS. Check all the details of our installation here.
It is very exciting for me to announce that ‘WAYS TO SIZE A FOREST. Architecture and pedagogy of creativity’ by architect and professor Andrés Perea has just been published by Ediciones Asimétricas. (The edition is in Spanish)
During the last few months I have had the honour of being in charge of the edition of this unique book made up of a collection of texts by Andrés Perea. I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed it.
Special thanks to Andrés and his family for the trust they have placed in me. Also to
Today e-flux publish an article about the project we develop within CONCOMITENTES. Ecological Agency the story of four projects related to environmental challenge and civil society.
"Concomitentes is a non-profit entity in Spain that promotes the creation of artworks and mediates between the civil society that commissions them and the artists who produce them. The entity invites groups from civil society to become the citizen-commissioners, or “comitentes”, of a work of art.
The concerns of these communities are increasingly related to socio-environmental challenges. Among them is the need to preserve the legacy of a community or to face
We would like to invite you to the premiere weekend of our dance evening WE HOPE THIS HELPS from June 7th till 9th, 2024, at LOFFT - DAS THEATER Leipzig. With the collaboration of María Auxiliadora Gálvez, Nadine Moser (resom), and Tanja Rühl, three artists from the fields of architecture, sound, and lighting design, We hope this helps was developed over the past few months as a choreographic evening that places intuition, empathy, and interaction at its core. The performance unfolds in the moment of the encounter between the performers Vasiliki Bara, Jone San Martín, and Ildikó Tóth with
On May 15th we are going to Albacete with ECOLOGISTAS EN ACCIÓN, to present our book DESCAMPADOS.
Yesterday we participated in the presentation of the new era of ARQUITECTURA COAM Magazine "El Futuro Madrid" directed by Javier García-Germán and Alejandro Valdivieso. An issue dedicated to the territory with an ecological approach to the development of our cities. We talked to José María Ezquiaga, Juan Manuel Fernández, Silvia Muñoz and Toni Cañellas.
NEXT MAY THE 11th we participate in @tangentestpoelten through the project PERFORMING LANDSCAPE // SHARED LANDSCAPES (Curated by @barneaudcaroline and Stefan Kaegi NEXT MAY THE 11th we participate in @tangentestpoelten through the project PERFORMING LANDSCAPE // SHARED LANDSCAPES (Curated by @barneaudcaroline and Stefan Kaegi @rimini_protokoll) From 11.30 to 13.00 we will be part of the "Exploring the Landscape" event. A walk and along it, a collection of performative lectures within TIPPING TIME. CIVIL SOCIETY CLIMATE CONFERENCE. We will develop our collective performance and lecture SKIN IN THE AIR. AN EVENT OF SOMATIC COALESCENCE. Free entry. You just have to register at the reception from Saturday at 10.00. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK AT @tangentestpoelten walking at Sonnenpark. ALL INFO HERE.
On Friday 19 April, at 12:00, we will be talking about our book DESCAMPADOS in the "QUIOSCO" cycle of the University of Alicante and its Studio Design Projects Department. If you are in the city, we are waiting for you! Thanks Juan Carlos Castro for the invitation.
We are so happy to participate, together with Martí Franch in the scientific committee of SHARED LANDSCAPES / PERFORMING LANDSCAPES representing Temporada Alta. Concept and curation by Caroline Barneaud and Stefan Kaegi (theater director – Rimini Protokoll) Shared Landscapes invite the audience to leave the theater making an immersion in a shared performative experience creating a “sensus communis”, an ecstatic atmosphere of knowledge and sensuality in a more-than-human community. Performance is here understood as an extended physiology traversing our collective interspecies skins. Producing new ecologies. Performance is allied in many of its actions with non-logocentric transversality. That which uses somatic
09-2.2024 BADS Madrid
After being part of the MUGAK Biennial programme in Donostia and touring different European cities such as Vienna and Oporto, BODIES AS DATA SENSING (BADS), arrives in Madrid, at the innovation week of the Institute of Technology (Faculty of Architecture) (USP CEU). BADS is part of the workshop series SOMATIC CITY, which explores the politics of urban space and its design through the politics of the body.
The workshop will take place entirely in different locations in the city of Madrid between 19 and 23 February (2024): Mon 12.00-14.00; Wed 12.00-14.30; Thu 12.00-14.30; Fri 12.00-13.30. To participate send expression
During our residency and workshop at Galeria Municipal do Porto, we had the opportunity to record an interview about our work in PSAAP, the book DESCAMPADOS and the workshop INTO THE WILD under the guidance of the amazing sound artist Mariana Sardon.
The podcast is now available on the Gallery's website, as part of the PING! WE'RE LISTENING programme. Thanks Mariana for the careful sound edition and thanks Matilde Seabra in charge of the whole programme PING! We invite you to listen to the whole series! and to go through all the knowledge produced by #PING!
Tomorrow we will be lecturing with the students of Homemade Architecture Summer School!
We are SO HAPPY!!! Concomitentes (with the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation) is recognised as the second best project in Spain with social commitment and in terms of sustainable development according to the observatory of culture of the Fundación Contemporánea.
It is with Narrativas Solares project that we are part of Concomitentes. None of the project or our work here would be possible without the mediation of Alfredo Escapa Presa, the struggle and the good work of the Comitentes or the interspecies network of living beings that make up the piece.
40 interspecies architectural scales
39 actions for peace
38 concerns about the planet
37 body ontologies
36 tools for biodiversity
35 somatic experiences
34 revolutinary changes
33 sensual ecologies
32 steps towards all species panarchy
31 living materials as architecture
30 body politic reformulations
29 erased prejudices
28 architectures designed for other species
27 living worlds for our cities
26 constructions of distributed cognition
25 learnings for ungrowth
24 somatic revolutions
23 interspecies urban practices
22 radical imaginaries for change
We wish you a winter solstice in connection with the more-than-human with our project Solar Narratives.
Solar Narratives orchestrates the coalescence and the capacity of the different bodies to sense each other. It constitutes an environment of distributed cognition establishing a continuous flow with the environment, animals and plants.
An artificial skin constitutes an interspecies and solar device. Giving voice to the sun and the organisms to which it gives life.
It reminds us of the inter-species links that shape us and the territory. The architecture here is inserted as one more body in somatic coalescence with
We invite you to know our proposal for the MUGAK Biennial: Bodies as Data Sensing – BADS.
Thank you Ula Iruretagoiena and María Arana for the invitation.
"Bodies as data sensing ("BADS") addresses the politics of urban space from the shared physiology of its living organisms. The workshop focuses on understanding the city as a distributed medium of cognition where perceptual errors - let's call them that - such as synaesthesia become a vehicle for research.
Synaesthesia, prototype of cosmic and communal sensibility, has been very present in the relationship between architecture and politics being the paradigm of
You can already see on our website the first steps of our Solar Narratives project. Follow the process because you will be able to participate in many of its phases. All the information here and in CONCOMITENTES.
On Friday 17 November we will be holding the workshop BODIES AS DATA SENSING. POLITICS OF THE BODY AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN URBAN SPACE as part of the MUGAK Biennial. You can access all the information about the workshop here and register here.
On 16 November at 18:30 we will be at the COAVNSS with the conference "Carne de Descampados" and the subsequent conversation with Ula Iruretagoiena. Thank you Ula for organising this event that will give us the opportunity to dissect our book DESCAMPADOS and its associated radical pedagogy. More information here.
You can read now the interview about our project "Solar Narratives" in the website of CONCOMITENTES.
We are so happy to be the studio chosen for the project "Solar Narratives" within the frame of CONCOMITENTES. Read all about it here.
On Saturday 21 October 2023 at 15:00 C.E.T we present the "Guide for Bodies and the Cities They Create" at the Galeria Municipal do Porto. Bringing the guide with you will allow you to test corporeal embodiments, politics of public space and imaginaries. The guide is the result of the INTO THE WILD workshop held in July in the Crystal Palace Gardens and its wastelands surroundings. You can download the guide in the website of the Galeria Municipal do Porto or here, in our site.
Within the project NAVIGATING DIZZINESS TOGETHER directed by Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond, and in this occasion together with the curatorship of Sergio Edelsztein, we present you this series of podcast as an artistic research in which we have been collaborating! The collection is now available in the website of this research project! Use headphones 🎧 ... and... enjoy them... join us with your comments using the email address indicated in the website. Thank you Ruth, Leo and Sergio for such an amazing piece of PodArt!
Thank you for this encyclopaedia of contemporary creation in Madrid ! CLICK HERE and look for us in the "G".
From September the 25th till the 29th I will be participating in EMBODYING KNOWING a research lab developed at the MUSEUM QUARTIER in VIENNA. The week include a series of open-level workshops; ours will take place on Thursday September the 28th from 17.30 to 19.30 under the name EMBODIED IMAGINATION THEORIES. You are welcome to come and register HERE. See you in Vienna in September! Thank you Malcolm Manning, Anna Leon and Linda Samaraweerova for making this possible!!
On September 20th at 11:00 we will be at La Casa Encendida participating in the meeting on art, architecture and environmental urbanism to reflect on their social benefits, the impact of materials, actions in our environment and possible alternatives. in the framework of EMPACT CREATIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY: THE ART OF THINKING LIKE A MOUNTAIN. We are waiting for you! Register through this link, access is free until full capacity is reached.
23-6.2023 YOUR ANIMAL BODY wihtin ZARCH #20
Our last article is already available in number 20 of ZARCH Journal of Interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism. A journey through the body and the interspecies city, facilitated by the somatic gaze! Read it here!
Yesterday we were having a conversation in RADIO 3 "Efecto Doppler" together with Esther Ferrero and Alberto Nanclares. Thank you so much for a wonderful half an hour going through somatic architecture, wastegrounds or interspecies cities. You can listen to the podcast here (Efecto Doppler / Descampados: cuando diseñan otras especies (21-06-2023)
Happy to know that our book "DESCAMPADOS. Walking Revolutionary Landscapes in the Somatic City" is FINALIST at the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. You can see all the selected works here.
This summer on the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd of July we will be developing the workshop INTO THE WILD at the Galeria Municipal do Porto. The workshop will take place in three acts: Nocturnal Garden, Animal Body and (E)merging Bodies. Access all information here. Looking forward to meet you there!
Next May the 19th we will be at the University of Greenwich as guest speaker within the COLLECTIVE LANDSCAPE FUTURES Symposium. Information and registrations here.
Imagining around reality in order to find possibilities for transformation that do not depend on crises; imagining bodies and ecologies; allowing us to engage in practices other than those programmed by the dominant powers; investigating the positionings of the margins and allowing their proposals to flourish. If you are not aware of the imaginaries
During April, the young programmers of Cinezeta (Matadero Madrid) offer us the cycle "Urban Imagination". The last film in the series "24 City" (Jia Zhang Ke, China 2008) will culminate with a colloquium in which we will participate together with Inés García and Paula Ducay (Punzadas). Join us this Saturday 29 April in the Sala Plató at Cineteca at 19:30!!
Last week we were invited to the final jury of "Unorthodox Arch Practices" directed by Juan Herreros in Columbia GSAAP together with Ana Jara from Arteria. Unorthodox architectural practices are really needed at a time when we have to rethink our actions on a damaged planet. Looking at the students' proposals we reflected on how important it is to be aware of our ethical and ecological commitments when developing our architectural approaches. How important it is to avoid extractivist protocols in our designs and in our own or other bodies. It was a pleasure to think together!
The Arquia Foundation is dedicating one of its cycles – curated by Lina Toro – to Arata Isozaki. Our text "Embodied cognition: the contact with continuity..." is part of the external resources that you can visit. Thank you very much Lina Toro for this cycle!
This building was thought as a public space. A covered square where bodies, materials, perception, movement, meteorology and performance can meet together. Negotiating conflicts. Bringing awareness about seasons. Mundane and festive, also inviting when crowded or empty. A sound box for movement and celebration. The intensity of the urban, with the presence of the living open space in green behind. Inside we move with the reflections of the more-than-human.
The Ice Rink is a project designed years ago together with Luca Brunelli and collaborators like Ana Bonet, Juan Lobato, Carla de Prada, Marisa Reques, Margarita Serboli, Blanca Rodriguez, Julen
This week we are observing the wild in the field work of the residency that we develop this week at the Galería Municipal do Porto in Portugal.
Thank you Matilde Seabra for coordinating and directing this program!
Wilderness in the city creates a deep awareness in the understanding of bodies as environments. These are Ecologies of intimacy where borders are erased or reconfigured as we usually understand them. In consequence, also the entities they delimitate are redefined. (e)merging bodies are their direct outcome.
This is just the beginning of the PING! project that will be hosted in Porto this summer!
27-2.2023 Im_flieger 2023
We invite you to know the Schule@Im_flieger 2023 a project in which we will be collaborating as guests. The program for 2023 starts in two weeks and in parallel some of the workshops open to the public will be offered. Our “SENTIENT ECOLOGIES” is one of them. We are always grateful to Im_flieger, to the participant artists, and to the artistic director and mentor for this edition Malcolm Manning who already in 2010 opened for us an incredible horizon for learning and researching. Now, in here he will be leading “THE PRACTICE OF PRACTISE: TEACHING AS ARTISTIC
In 2023 we celebrate 25 years of architectural practice!
Thanks to all the people who have collaborated at some point in this journey, let's go for another 25!
WE INVITE you to the VIRTUAL EXHIBITION "Addressing Dizziness. Navigating Possibilities in Collectives" where is hosted our happening, installation and lecture DUST. The exhibition is curated by Ruth Anderwald, Leonhard Grond and Laura Brechmann. It is the result of the Symposium in Motion celebrated last May in Vienna.
Dizziness embodies uncertainty and confusion but also the reformulation of bodies and environments, moreover, under dizziness bodies and environments become a fuzzy entity, entangled, intertwined... to feel it in your flesh listen to the podcast of DUST and enjoy the proposed Feldenkrais ATM guided by us! Looking forward to receive your reactions:
Next Monday February the 13th at 12.30h CET we will be having a conversation with Arteria at ETSAM within the cycle "ONE[AND]ONE. Professional Practice Dialogues" curated by Juan Herreros.
Looking forward to exchange points of view with Ana Jara and all of you who can join us!!
Somatic architecture is the one capable of assuming in its systems and materiality the ecological and socio-political vicissitudes of multiple bodies. In addition somatic architecture learn from the living tissues and processes of bodies and establishes with them assemblages of living matter, life forms and artificial intelligences.
There are five main aspects that articulate somatic architectures:
1/ Spatial navigation, where we study and work with dissident geometries and positions of bodies and unstable grounds; 2/ Living systems, considering and learning from our animal body and relationships in between bodies and environments, also living matter in its structure; 3/ Anthropology of the senses, where
29-12.2022 TEXT for "Ceguera – vacío en vibración"
We invite you to discover "Ceguera - vacío en vibración", an installation by Sergi Hernández Carretero for which we have had the pleasure of writing the introductory text. The piece has been exhibited for the first time last December 14th at the Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras in Alicante. We hope to be able to enjoy it again soon: congratulations Sergi!
We invite you to discover "Ceguera - vacío en vibración", an installation by Sergi Hernández Carretero for which we have had the pleasure of writing the introductory text. The piece has been exhibited for the first time last December 14th at the Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras in Alicante. We hope to be able to enjoy it again soon: congratulations Sergi!
With plenty of love from the most biophilic territories of the city.
From PSAAP we wish you all the best for the end of the year and happy 2023.
We are so happy to announce that our project La Muntanya Amiga has won the THIRD PRIZE in the International Ideas Competition organised by the PCCB (Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona). The project proposes a new natural therapeutic space for children being treated at the hospital. The mountain is given for the use of these children and their families and is integrated into the Natural Park of the Collserola Sierra. Find out more about the project in this link.
We are so happy to announce that our project La Muntanya Amiga has won the THIRD PRIZE in the International Ideas Competition organised by the PCCB (Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona). The project proposes a new natural therapeutic space for children being treated at the hospital. The mountain is given for the use of these children and their families and is integrated into the Natural Park of the Collserola Sierra. Find out more about the project in this link.
We invite you to get to know this book recently published by the Madrid City Council where our interview "El Bosque Metropolitano ya existe" (The Metropolitan Forest already exists) is published. Thanks to Marta Badiola and Mauro Gil-Fournier for the design and concept of this volume about an infrastructure of resilience and living soil so important for the city of Madrid.
We invite you to get to know this book recently published by the Madrid City Council where our interview "El Bosque Metropolitano ya existe" (The Metropolitan Forest already exists) is published. Thanks to Marta Badiola and Mauro Gil-Fournier for the design and concept of this volume about an infrastructure of resilience and living soil so important for the city of Madrid.
On Wednesday NOVEMBER the 16th we participated in the research seminar DISSONANT GEOMETRIES organized by @alice_epfl at @arseniclausanne with our lecture YOUR ANIMAL BODY: FIGURES FOR SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE.
Thanks to all the ALICE team, specially to Julien Lafontaine Carboni and Tiphaine Abenia for the organization!
"Dissident movements of bodies
On November the 18th at 19:30 we will be in córdoba presenting our book DESCAMPADOS hosted at Luciana Centeno socio-cultural center (C/ Costanillas, 15). Thank you Ecologistas en Acción Córdoba for the organization! Participants: Isabel Cantillo, Rafael Tamajón, Mari Cruz Blanco and Javier Mohedano. Looking forward!
On November the 11th we will be lecturing at TEC MONTERREY within the course on colective housing directed by Mauro Gil-Fournier, David Ortega and Adela Rangel. We will be contributing with our projects to the porgram WE (more than human) BIODOMESTICITIES. You can follow it online at FB live / eaad.tec. at 17:00h CET. And here you can have access to the recording:
On November the 5th we are happy to accompany Eleni Danesi in the symposium of Imaginary Gardens Academy within her project "Embodied Democracy", a project that we support from PSAAP. Congratulations Eleni for this event and your new projects and discoveries through your work! You can enjoy the symposium physically in Urban Nation Berlin or online from 11:00h to 14:00 CET. More details and link soon!
Check out our new projects of landscape prototypes and open spaces. Somatic and sentient natures. Interspecies sociology. Public spaces of the more-than-human world. An example?: our Sentient Garden.
On 19 October we will be visiting the @dpa.etsam @master.proyectos and the @ud_soto_etsam.
Thanks to Álvaro Soto, Jacobo García Germán and the Projects Department of the ETSAM for organising this meeting. We will be talking about the research and projects associated with our book "WASTEGROUNDS. Walking revolutionary landscapes in the somatic city" published by @edicionesasimetricas.
"The bodies move in a set of fluid trajectories that assemble walking with a diversity of somatic practices carried out in the open spaces of the city of Madrid. Along the way there are rituals, activisms, manifestos, alliances and projects that reveal the emergence of
28-9.2022 ARQUINE 101
We are so happy with the incredible review of our book DESCAMPADOS that Mauro Gil-Fournier gives us in the International Magazine of Architecture and Design Arquine !!!!
We invite you to buy this issue 101, which also has a brand new design! Thank you Christian Mendoza for coordinating everything in such a beautiful way!
If you still don't have DESCAMPADOS remember that you can buy it in your favourite bookshop or on the Ediciones Asimétricas website.
DESCAMPADOS in the program of Radio Nacional de España. Radio 5
This week we were talking about our work in the program RADIOACTIVAS directed by Lola Martínez Rojo. We invite you to listen to the podcast!
Thank you Lola for such a fruitful conversation!
You have already available the review of our book WASTEGROUNDS by Fernando Quesada in ZARCH nº18. Thank you Fernando and ZARCH!
We invite you to read the wonderful article by Bernardo Gutierrez in CTXT about our INTERSPECIES CITY within our book DESCAMPADOS.
Thank you Bernardo and CTXT for going deeper into this sensitivity of radical imagination and wild reality.
The interspecies city is the one a lot of people together we are already building!
A MEDIATION FOR LIFE is the title of the small article that we have written for the book about the Fontán Building designed by Andrés Perea, Elena Suarez and Rafael Torrelo. You have it available here: Ediciones Asimétricas
Congratulations for the building and the book! It has been a pleasure to participate.
The book has the beautiful images by Ana Amado.
DESCAMPADOS in El Ágora. Diario del Agua.
Here you have the link to the full article written by Analía Iglesias.
Along ten days in the second half of July we will be developing a summer collection of events: Lectures and Somatic Happenings + Body-to-Body LSAAP sessions.
Friday July the 15th- Evilard 14:30h: Lecture and Somatic Ethnography /// Saturday July the 16th- Evilard's forest 10:00h: Happening "ENTANGLEMENT".
Monday July the 18th- Tuesday July the 19th- Wednesday July the 20th: Body-to-Body sessions in Evilard. /// Rest of the days till July the 24th, you can book your Body-to-Body session in Biel. Join us in any of the formats! Thank you Martin Mossiman for organizing
On May the 27th and 28th we present SCORE/PARTITURA.
SCORE is a piece created by María Auxiliadora Gálvez and Jone San Martín for CAMPING, a beautiful project by Galería Nieves Fernández together with Blanca Cortés.
SCORE will be related to the work of Ángela Ferreira and her "Manifiesto Realista (Principios fundamentales de la práctica constructivista de Naum Gano)" currently on show at the gallery.
We will have the sound of Mikel R. Nieto and the support of @bulthaup_madrid_claudiocoello.
It is essential to book on the gallery's website. You can immerse yourself in SCORE on Friday
Today in the newspaper El Confidencial, Abraham Rivera talks about our book "DESCAMPADOS. Caminar los paisajes revolucionarios en la ciudad somática". You can read it here. (This article is in Spanish)
The video of the conversation we had last May 11th about the making-of of DESCAMPADOS, our new book, is now available. Here you can access the recording.
DUST is our next installation for a HAPPENING of more-than-human somatics. DUST is a Foucault Pendulum within Addresing Dizziness, the Symposium in Motion part of the project "Navigating Dizziness Together" directed by Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond. It will be developed at the Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (May the 4th, 5th and 6th 2022). DUST is produced in collaboration with Fablab Madrid CEU. If you are in Vienna the first week of May don’t miss DUST!!
Our new book: "WASTEGROUNDS. Walking revolutionary landscapes in the somatic city". Published with Ediciones Asimétricas and with the graphic design of El Vivero.
We couldn't be happier!!!!
25-3.2022 KIOSCO 03 UA
Our book ESPACIO SOMÁTICO. CUERPOS MÚLTIPLES visits the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Alicante within the series "Arquitectura en el kiosko" directed by Enrique Nieto. /// Friday March the 25th at 12.30h - Space 017.
Installation for a Happening of more-than-human-somatics.
A series of multi-species flesh and skin scales fall on the bodies lying down, penetrating their structures, their pores, entering into symbiosis with them. The skin sensors of different species merge into a single flesh. The scales expand around the room and take over the bodies present to remind them of our composition: a symbiosis of life forms, pure transversal amalgam, a small part of a great vital concert that we (humans) do not orchestrate.
INTERSPECIES FLESH by is part of the study group series "Conjugar Mundos: Corporalidades Multiespecies" directed by Fernando
On 9 February we were lucky enough to accompany Mauro Gil-Fournier at the presentation of his book "Las Casas que me Habitan" by Mincho Press. The event took place at the COAM. Here you have the recording of the conversation available in the case that you were unable to attend. We congratulate the author for this wonderful book!
CONJUGATING WORLDS: MULTI-SPECIES CORPOREALITIES is the Study Group directed by Fernando Quesada that will take place between February and May at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid. We are happy to be part of this programme with our more-than-human Happening "INTER-SPECIES FLESH". Do you join us? All the information here. BEGINNING: FEBRUARY THE 10th! (Image: Nanda Papiri, ca. 1950)
Somatic Activism is an active diving – through soma – into us, others and the ecological, social and political environments we co-inhabit.
Its aim is to discover from within, to critically review pre-conceptions, and taken for granted assumptions and to empower ecosystems and societies with a great potential for transformation, with daily capability for revolutions.
Its practice unravels places of conflict and enables the inhabitation/transformation of borders.
20-12.2021 LSAAP in HAPPENINGS
LSAAP in different formats / Diverse languages / Multiple geographies
LSAAP is a worldwide HAPPENING sustained over time... do you join us?
You can already have a look to what happened in SKIN!
SKIN is a journey into an environment that reveals our involvement into the life forms transformations.
SKIN unfolds cycles of human, non-human, mineral or vegetal bodies. All are part of the same process. The place for this understanding is a multispecies skin environment.
The vehicle is the somatic performance that we experience together: each of us being performer and viewer at the same time, each of us unfolding a rich universe around this learning.
The role of the architectural installation here is to enhance the somatic perception, to
The event is framed within the project ECOLOGIES OF INTIMACY: BORDERS.
Our skin is a membrane of exchange, a way to be in contact, but also the geography where we place the limit of ourselves in multiple occasions. How it is to inhabit that limit and discover its deepness?
The INSTALLATION that we propose for SKIN is a dermal environment. One in which different epithelial scales conform an artificial skin made out of different skin sensors of human and non human organisms.
The SOMATIC EXPERIENCE in this environment is
Is the first of a series of workshops and installations that conform the somatic research of the project “Ecologies of Intimacy: Borders”. We celebrated it this week (on November the 4th ) at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia with the collaboration of Anastasia Angelidou and the participation of the 3rd year students of architecture and landscape. Stay tuned; the next one will be on December the 4th at the Dance House Lefkosia!
On 29- 30 and 31 October the drawings of our project "POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE" are part of the exhibition "BODYSCAPES" within the festival "INNERSCAPES" developed by LatoMeio Performing Arts in Leonidio, Greece. Thank you Eleni Danesi for such a daring curatorship!
Next Wednesday 6th October at 19.00h we will be at COLAB ETSAM talking about "SENSUAL ECOLOGIES// ECOLOGIES OF INTIMACY".
Thanks to the whole unit for such a nice invitation. You can access via zoom: upmsala28
The new issue of the Journal of Somaesthetics is out! Inside you can find our essay "Getting Dizzy: A Conversation Between the Artistic Research of Dizziness and Somatic Architecture".
The essay, in conversation format, is part of the project "Navigating dizziness Together" - a pleasure to have written it in three hands with Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond!
We invite you to click here and download the volume.
Thank you Max Ryynänen for being in charge of such a beautiful edition!
11-8.2021 NEW PROJECT
We have started ECOLOGIES OF INTIMACY: BORDERS a project nurtured by several programs, actors and sites with a common approach. Borders and frontiers are very common in our way of establishing relations with the world: from our skin to geographical, social and geopolitical considerations. In between and inside, multiple scales are organized according to what we understand as borders.
Instead of the place where something ends, we will understand borders as the place where multiple and different things have the opportunity to come together, the opportunity to be in touch. Here, boundaries are thick and
We have started ECOLOGIES OF INTIMACY: BORDERS a project nurtured by several programs, actors and sites with a common approach. Borders and frontiers are very common in our way of establishing relations with the world: from our skin to geographical, social and geopolitical considerations. In between and inside, multiple scales are organized according to what we understand as borders.
Instead of the place where something ends, we will understand borders as the place where multiple and different things have the opportunity to come together, the opportunity to be in touch. Here, boundaries are thick and they are studied as meeting places. This project locates puts life at its core, and seeks knowledge, actions and transformative projects to react to the climate emergency. ECOLOGIES OF INTIMACY: BORDERS is developed in the intertwining of research, actions with different actors, situated dynamics and pedagogical programs. The first pedagogical program BIO CONSTRUCTIONS AT CAPE GRECO is located at the University of Cyprus and it will be developed together with Anastasia Angelidou and with the advice and collaboration of the NGO Enalia Physis. The core of this program is to really know each other: We will get to know the dynamics and processes of non-human organisms like corals, vermetids or calcareous algae in order to learn from them and in order to co-design together an environment in which different species, we can support each other.
The work will be develop in the coastal area of Cape Greco where we will be mapping and studying the location and systems of these organisms in the coast. Here we can study the borderline in between earth and sea in close relationship with the dynamics that are affecting the corals and marine life in general in Cyprus as a consequence of the human behaviour and pollution or climate change. Corals and other marine organisms are particularly relevant when we come to talk about borders as a place of encounter as these organisms overcome any taxonomy. Mineral, animal and vegetal realms come together in corals, feminine and masculine make no sense with them, as they can be non-binary and their relationship with tides makes them to be more connected with the moon than with the earth.
Limits and borders as we think about them cannot be easily applied to corals.
Navigating Dizziness Together is a project directed by Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond in which we are lucky to participate. Laura Brechmann and a long list of contributors also integrate the team.
Navigating Dizziness Together is a project of what is call Blue Sky Research in arts. In these projects the goal to achieve is not predetermine in advance, the project is lead by curiosity, innovation, and exploration.
At this moment here, the fields of Dizziness and Somatic Architecture are in dialogue in order to go deeper into their interconnections in which we also add the parameters of the Ecological
16-6.2021 COSMOWOMEN
COSMOWOMEN is an exhibition and catalogue curated by Izaskun Chinchilla. Both formats reveal how the full incorporation of women into the professional and academic field of architecture generates and will generate new places of thought and constellations between them.
The project incorporates the work of 65 incredible women architects who have developed their projects at the Bartlett School of Architecture in the last ten years. It also includes 20 texts by women architects or professional women in fields related to architecture. We are very happy to be one of them and to share this space with other colleagues such
We are pleased to share that since June we are part of ACE (ANFA CENTER FOR EDUCATION). ACE is a working group of architects, urban planners, designers, scientists, authors and educators interested in betterment of the built environment. Its goal is to facilitate global, interdisciplinary educational initiatives. It is based in San Diego (USA). This summer we are part of their 4th meeting. In August we will contribute with our knowledge from Somatic Architecture. Some of the members of ACE are Juhani Pallasmaa, Sarah Robinson, María da Piedade Ferreira, Harry Mallgrave, David Kirsh, Naomi A. Sachs or Alberto Pérez Gómez.
On Friday May the 28th we will be at the Valparaiso Architecture School, Chile, talking about our vision of a SOMATIC CITY. The conference is open but there are limited places, find out the details and register here. See you at 15:00 (Chile); 21:00 (Spain). THANK YOU to the Valparaiso Architecture School and its Ciudad Abierta, to Paula Olmedo, Andrés Garcés, Sergio Baeriswyl and María José Iglesias for the invitation and the creation of such a relevant context to talk about another possible city. See you on Friday!
We have had the pleasure of writing the prologue to Laura Barros' book "Habitar(se). El cuerpo como lugar". This new volume of "Inmersiones"– the collection where our book "Espacio Somático. Cuerpos Múltiples" is also included – is already available in bookshops and on the Ediciones Asimétricas website. Thanks to Laura and Ediciones Asimétricas for another gift like this.
Our lecture "Sensual Ecologies: Reaching the Interspecific City through Somatic Ethnography" is now available in the repository of the University of Cyprus. In this link you can also access the whole series.
12-5.2021 ECO-SENSING
Last Friday we were participating in the international conference "Uncommon Senses III. The Future of the Senses" organized by the Centre for Sensory Studies located at the Concordia University in Canada. The recordings of the sessions will be available for two months in their website. We shared the session Eco-Sensing with Rennie Tang and her team from Los Angeles. It was really a pleasure. Thank you very much to all the attendees!! You can also check the virtual book of abstracts here.
You have already available the book "PhD CULT" where our text "Unstable Environments" is included. Our text supports risk and discoveries within PhD research:
"Academic research in architecture is a fascinating and challenging world. (...) All these new possibilities show also a change in the general focus: from object to dynamics (or both interacting), from bodies to atmospheres (or both affecting themselves mutually), from pure and general objectivity to idiographic constructions (or combining different points of view at the same time)... if I can add something, I would say it really short: I want more!"
On Friday 7th May we will take part in the international conference "Uncommon Senses III" organised at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. See here the programme and our presentation within the block entitled "Eco-Sensing".
This week we had a special session in LSAAP with Erin Manning. LSAAP is our Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape. We join online every Tuesday from 19:00 to 21:00 to learn together through lectures, somatic experiences, performances, embodied debates and conversations with guests. Thank you Erin Manning for being part of our international lab! (Image: Erin Manning)
Here you have already available the PODCAST of "The Sounds of the Forest" the episode of The House of Sound in which Mauro Gilfournier and I have participated with a conversation about waste-grounds, forests and cities. Thanks to the directors of the programme: Cristina Palmese and José Luís Carles (also to Radio Clásica RTVE) for facilitating this space.
Next Wednesday 14th April we will be making a virtual visit to the University of Cyprus. We will give the lecture: "SENSUAL ECOLOGIES: Reaching the interspecific city through somatic ethnography".
We are very excited to share our work with them. Thanks to Socrates Stratis, whom we admire, and to the rest of the professors of the department of urbanism, architecture and landscape who are involved.
The lecture is scheduled for 18:30 (Spanish time) / 19:30 (Cypriot time). Here you have the link to access!
We invite you to know CAMBIUM a project that offers the city of Madrid the opportunity of a forest, a forest in all its complexity in which the city is at its service. Through this proposal, the city changes its DNA. CAMBIUM appears as a proposal that obtained the second position in AREA 02 of the International Competition for the Metropolitan Forest of Madrid, but at the same time, it is offered as a forceful strategy to be developed in this and other cities. CAMBIUM is a collaboration of PSAAP as landscape designers within a wonderful multidisciplinary team.
TOMORROW, on February the 9th at 19:00, we will talk about living systems, metamorphosis and cities with Emanuele Coccia @unicamens
Emanuele Coccia is author of “The Life of Plants” or “Métamorphoses” where he shows us a really innovative way of thinking. Thank you Emanuele for joining us in our Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP)!!
We are already immersed in the more than exciting work of the book PAISAJES REVOLUCIONARIOS (REVOLUTIONARY LANDSCAPES)... wastegrounds… from “quinqui” creativity to ecological and somatic transformation... We are happy to go hand in hand with Ediciones Asimétricas and to have won a grant to develop a work that started in 2013 and that finally now, we are going to be able to organize and publish!
This week, on Wednesday January the 13th at 12:00h we will be giving a lecture about our work within the TEK TOK cycle at ETSA Sevilla and its MA 01.
26-12.2020 HAPPY NEW YEAR
RECYCLING IN GLAM STYLE to wish for you all the best in the NEW YEAR!
The Golden Room was a project developed in 2012 with Izabela Wieczorek... augmented skin, fabrics, details and fragments... perceptions and radical listening in order to dismantle the one-dimensional vision of our surroundings and others... in order to start anew... happy 2021!
TEK TOK cycle of conferences >>>>> The TEK TOK cycle is underway, Javier García German and Eva Gil have already been there and in the next few weeks Álvaro Carrillo Eguilaz and I will be there! We invite you to take a look!
Thank you Borja Sallago and ETSAS for the organization!
On January 13th we will be there, at 12:00
In PSAAP we are already working in the incredible artistic research project NAVIGATING DIZZINESS TOGETHER! An original idea of Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond in which I have the pleasure to participate. An international group where philosophy, arts, medicine, literature, somatics, politics or architecture meet!
The project is hosted by Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts, Vienna and funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF PEEK AR 598.
Thank you Ruth and Leo for this promising collaboration!
This week we will be participating in the series of conferences for the repository of Gender Urbanism of the COA Asturias + Gender Urbanism Observatory -OUG. In the presentation we will talk about our approaches to SOMATIC CITY and about the projects "INTERSPECIES", "POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE" or "CIVIC ECOLOGY". Thank you COAA and OUG for the invitation!
Today... We invite you to know our BODY-TO-BODY sessions! In the images, the beautiful space of La Hipoteca
Here you have the recording of the discussion we had yesterday at the Café de la Ópera in Barcelona... we were sharing ideas from Somatic Architecture and listening to the advances in Neuroarchitecture by Ana Mombiedro, the questions about the psychology of space by Lucía Vázquez, the contributions of Marta Delgado with her multidisciplinary research in Berkeley and the considerations of Luís Barrero on augmented reality, digital space and architecture. The attendees also brought multiple comments... In short: it was a pleasure! Thanks Carlos Tejada and Ana Mombiedro for facilitating the event!
New drawings in our quarantine notebook/ Pop-Up somatic landscapes notebook!
Visit our new project INTERSPECIES. A growing project really needed in our cities! /// The reinvention of cities is not a project we can postpone. We are forced by the triple crisis we are dealing with (health, climate and economic one) and although we should have got down to work long ago, we still have the chance to make a different city possible. Together with the reinvention of the city we must reinvent the imaginaries that govern us, otherwise no transformation will be possible. Let's start with the latter. /// The imaginaries that govern our society are rooted in
30-10.2020 PRE______IMAGINARIOS
You can already visit the exhibition PRE_____IMAGINARIOS in which we participate. The catalogue is also available and there you can find our text "Real Imaginaries. The Somatic Revolution". Thanks to all the team of PRE_____IMAGINARIOS !
30-10.2020 LSAAP STARTED!
We have already started our International Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP) in its new digital era. With full seats and incredible participants and guests. We'll be telling you about it, but if you want to know our program you can see it here. We'll open registrations again in January!
Sunset Expander... not a machine/ not a building/ not a landscape/ not a community of people/ not a collective event... but everything at the same time... in September we remind you what to do in order to make sunsets to last more… Ü
Today (Friday, July 24) at 7:00 p.m. we will be once again at Ediciones Asimétricas Reading Club (Direct in @edicionesasimetricas -Instagram).
We will talk about the chapter dedicated to EMBODIED COGNITION in Architecture and Art within our book "Somatic Space. Multiple Bodies".
Along the way we will connect the ideas of the book with two projects: our LSAAP laboratory and the new international project "NAVIGATING DIZZINESS TOGETHER" devised by Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond from Vienna ... This last project in which we will soon begin to collaborate is the continuation from "Dizziness- A Resource"
Today at 18:30 (Spanish time) we visit SAW (Summer Architectural Workshop)- UFV University.
You can see all the info about our Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP) here. To pre-register just send an email to ... We hope you will join us!
PSAAP wish for you a WONDERFUL SUMMER with INTERSPECIES awareness… change your imaginaries… new bodies… new ecologies… we configure our design agenda observing the dynamics of planetary matter.
June the 11th at 20.00h. We will be in the participative event DRAWN CHOREOGRAPHIES organized by Grupo Aranea... we will draw in real time together with Marutxa Casares, Anthi Kosma and Marina Navarro... Music is in charge of Edu Comellés.
June the 10th at 19:00, third and last session within the Reading Club of Ediciones Asimétricas. We will talk about Anthropology of the Senses and the project POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE. Everything through @edicionesasimetricas
>>>... or about why it is interesting to talk today of a dialogue in between Dance and Architecture... >>>
We leave you HERE our intervention today within the debate ARCHITECTURE and DANCE organized by Stepien & Barno... and HERE the whole event.
Next Thursday June the 4th at 19:00 we will be talking about DANCE AND ARCHITECTURE within the session organized by STEPIEN Y BARNO, you can register to participate writing an email to
I will be together with María Aguilar, Jaume Blancafort, Sonia Rayos and Carmen Francés. Thanks STEPIEN Y BARNO for the invitation.
Weathering is a vital condition that we negate most of the times. We don’t want to be exposed to meteorological inclemency, we don’t want time to pass through us- we prefer to be forever young- we don’t want to be transformed by mixture with other beings- the result should be unpredictable and we have fear of it- and we don’t understand that our genuine successors are diverse organisms, mineral matter or other bodies, not only the ones we conceive biologically.
Weathering, on the other hand, doesn’t deny us: penetrates us, and penetrates our houses. There is
SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE... generates common rituals for various organisms and materialities, some bodies assume the way of behaviour of others (eg. facades that behave like the tissue of the petals in a flower), but also some bodies (and obviously I speak here of human and non-human bodies) assume affections and political relations of the others. This architecture shares a political, conceptual, emotional, semantic, physiological body with the organisms that make it up. This architecture is not inhabited, it is made, it is performed. Living organisms and materials are in somatic coalescence forming a single body and also facing crises together, creating
Friday, May the 15th (18:00) we are guests at the participatory encounter organized by CULTURIA
Free registrations here.
This week we were able to come back to our project REVOLUTIONARY LANDSCAPES in the waste-grounds network of Madrid. Here, Civic ecology practices, radical imagination and eco-somatics are agents of urban transformation and political and social reinvention. Now they are more necessary than ever.
Wastegrounds blossom with us under quarantine and show us their resilience and biodiversity. Networked they conform a different city. A city fertile in ecosystem services, a city that nowadays is invisible to the main powers.
With the main parks of the city closed, the waste-grounds are once again areas of impunity for recreation, a network outside
Next Friday May the 8th at 10:30 we will be giving the lecture SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE at the European University in Madrid (UEM). The lecture is open and online. If you want to listen just send to us an email and we will send you the access link. The lecture will be in Spanish. Thanks for this invitation to Eva Hurtado Torán and Andrés Perea!!
"Fully on the road..." is our contribution to the ENDLESS DOLL HOUSE PROJECT curated by Fermina Garrido, Mara Sánchez Llorens and Gonzalo Lozano. #quarantine #house #forest
Saturday, April the 25th we will be live on Instagram with Ediciones Asimétricas, talking about an architecture of living systems... at 20:05h... within the talks about the book "Espacio Somático. Cuerpos Múltiples".
A constructive system based on the skin ... an understanding of human and non human bodies, plants and planetary matter as an expression of the same impulse ... same material with different organization ... building through the multiplicity of common matter ... stardust.
For this, it is necessary to understand in depth what is being alive, to go towards a conjunction of panarchic bodies in which architecture is nothing more than an expression of the cosmic dynamics ... with a radical respect towards the multiplicity of life, towards the synergy of some organisms and others in somatic coalescence. In
Real Imaginaries: The Somatic Revolution
Imagination is seldom taken seriously. It is associated with fantasies and mental trips, but some people already gave us a very different vision. Cornelius Castoriadis in his work "The Imaginary Institution of Society" (1975) reminded us that are precisely these "hidden imaginaries" - that's how we name them - hardly rationally analyzable, the ones behind our real constructions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
By constructions we understand our institutions, policies, social relations, energy organizations, ecosystems... and these “hidden imaginaries” are also the ones making us see as impossible the alternative constructions that we could envision. These alternatives are
featherfish is a continuous field travel devoted to the extended frame of architecture, landscape and urbanism. It moves through different settings related to research, performance and exploration. That travel is based on the productive ambiguity embodied by the featherfish, being an excellent walker, dancer, diver and flyer at once… PSAAP recovers the PEZDEPLUMAS ARCHIVE (2010-2011-…) with its wonderful collaborations… you can visit it here.
Under what channels do the bodies of human and non-human organisms exude architecture?- SATURDAY APRIL THE 4TH AT 20:05 - We will be at the READING CLUB of Ediciones Asimétricas -live on Instagram- reading our book "ESPACIO SOMÁTICO. CUERPOS MÚLTIPLES" ... JOIN US!!
Coalescence is the property of things to unite or merge. It refers to when various "materials" come together in one body. It is a concept that comes from physics and chemistry but anthropologists like Tim Ingold also use it in relation to people when they are immersed in a common environmental, ecological event. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Somatics refers to perceiving yourself in the first person as an embodied being, to perceiving yourself in action attending to how we do what we do. But this perception is inseparable from the environment and from other bodies to which we are linked. It is an internal
READY-MADE PROTOTYPE # 1 ... fifteen minutes from me, a living architectural structure (or a tree that wants to be a room) ... I discover it now, but it has been there for years ... in times of the coronavirus practices and realities at hand emerge ... they are there but, Will we be able to recognize them? Will we be able to give them priority to make a better life? Protecting the most vulnerable bodies we also have the possibility of revolutionizing our social, political, pedagogical or somatic relations, our relations with the planet ... let's use the innovation
Here some images of the BOOK PRESENTATION “ESPACIO SOMÁTICO. CUERPOS MÚLTIPLES” celebrated last Saturday (March the 7th) at Teatro Lagrada in Madrid… Thank you very much to EDICIONES ASIMÉTRICAS and to the wonderful guest participants Juan Herreros, Narges Bazarjani, Andrés Perea, Izaskun Chinchilla and Marta Botana. Also thank you to the incredible public… it was amazing your affect, interest and word. Thank you also to María Ruíz Villar and Helena Fernández López for the production of the event and the photo report.
Everything ready at Teatro Lagrada (C/ Ercilla 20, Madrid) to present the book "Espacio Somático. Cuerpos Múltiples" ... TOMORROW, March the 7th at 12.00... MAÑANA sábado 7 de marzo a las 12.00... with Ediciones Asimétricas, Juan Herreros, Narges Bazarjani, Andrés Perea, Izaskun Chinchilla, Marta Botana, María Auxiliadora Gálvez... and you!! Ü
*Somatic Architecture considers the qualities of the living, enhances and welcomes its systems, and is in continuous interaction with the bodies that inhabit "her"...
*Dermal constructions created by multiple bodies. Reactive architecture... Sensitive architecture... Sensors, softness, hardnesses, hairs, diverse layers, membranes, fingerprints, scars, moles, memories... collective, multiple or individual subjectivities...
*Next lecture about somatic architecture will be at the Universidad Europea de Madrid on March the 27th (2020)
22-2.2020 FLOWER SKIN
Spontaneous flower skin distillate ... flower body ... somatic architecture learns from and with living systems ... schlumbergera, months, water, air and glass ...
"... An admirable cellular fabric with delicate lace work; only that the meshes are filled with a blue or violated juice (...) by means of mixtures of liquids with fine colorful corpuscles, the flowers produce their most diverse tones. (...) Only White simply leaves their cells empty. The interior of these, filled with air, then reflects the light they receive and appears
Spontaneous flower skin distillate ... flower body ... somatic architecture learns from and with living systems ... schlumbergera, months, water, air and glass ...
"... An admirable cellular fabric with delicate lace work; only that the meshes are filled with a blue or violated juice (...) by means of mixtures of liquids with fine colorful corpuscles, the flowers produce their most diverse tones. (...) Only White simply leaves their cells empty. The interior of these, filled with air, then reflects the light they receive and appears white. " Quote from R.Francé, Spanish Edition, 1946. Photo: psaap
REVOLUTIONARY LANDSCAPES is a collaborative project… we reclaim the SOMATIC CITY… one able to overcome carbon form and use the ecological and social capital as its best… multiple bodies with their utopias coexisting evolving at the same pace of multiple landscapes… environments and bodies in continuity… for this, we need to change also our professional practices… the city is practised along time, and that performative act reveals it and builds it.
Some years ago… we started WALKING TOGETHER what we call the ring of revolutionary landscapes of the city of Madrid… to walk is a way of perform our tasks
16-2.2020 BRAIN, BODY, COGNITION, volume 8 #3
Our perspective from ARCHITECTURE about Movement and Cognition presented at HARVARD University in 2018 is now hosted in the Scientific Magazine BRAIN, BODY, COGNITION, volume 8 Issue 3… … intertwining disciplines, knowledge and ways of learning… … Happy to add a different approach!
SAVE THE DATE!!!! On March the 7th at 12:00 we will present our book “Somatic Space. Multiple Bodies” at TEATRO LAGRADA. We will be in very good company with Narges Bazarjani, Marta Botana, Izaskun Chinchilla, Juan Herreros, Andrés Perea and Ediciones Asimétricas… We hope you can also join us!
To understand sensorial modalities is to understand not only perception but also imagination and imaginaries and also relationships and organisms… Somatic Architecture grows from multiple bodies that we want to know: their “body images” delineated in between others by socio-political aspects guide their actions, their modus operandi and their suggested architectures… in PSAAP through interviews (IPA method) and participative exhibitions we explore body images in order to do architecture able to recognize and support all these bodies. These drawings are part of the ones developed by participants in our exhibition in Hamburg some months ago… now we work with a
07-1.2020 LSAAP IS BACK!
LSAAP starts again in February! The Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape open registrations again. 200€ the whole term… 2 hours every week with enfleshed debates, experiences and theories about the body, architecture and landscape in their ecological, political, pedagogical… or atmospheric aspects… Experiencing “Somatic Space" and "Multiple Bodies” … more info writing an email to
03-1.2020 SKIN IN THE AIR
We begin a new year and we shed our skin… with these fragments we think about reactive and somatic architectures, with different layers of biomaterials able to allow a change in the architectonic paradigm through the understanding of the alive… architecture performed by the different dimensions that living organisms promote with their SKIN IN THE AIR
31-12.2019 HAPPY 2020
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020… our best wishes for you… from PSAAP
ALREADY AVAILABLE IN Ediciones Asimétricas !
We leave you here some pictures of the new book “ESPACIO SOMÁTICO. CUERPOS MÚLTIPLES”… you can already have it through the website of the publisher here … in January it will be available in bookshops and in February… in February we will present it and discuss it with you and Narges Bazarjani, Marta Botana, Izaskun Chinchilla, Juan Herreros and Andrés Perea...
Happy end of the year, and happy beginning of 2020!
(English edition is coming... more info soon!)
WE ARE SO HAPPY to announce that today “ESPACIO SOMÁTICO. CUERPOS MÚLTIPLES” is already at printing!... we will have it in our hands very soon, before the end of the year!! … The official presentation will be in 2020 in a very special place… and in very good company. Thanks to "Ediciones Asimétricas" … more info soon!
Yesterday we have this beautiful experience in Bilbao. Know more about the project here.
SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE at COAVN within the seminar “City and Health” together with Matxalen Acasuso, Arantza Leturiondo, Ángela Baldellou, María Arana (Urbanbat) and Pablo y Ángel de la Hoz thanks to Víctor Otero and COAVN… Pezestudio or Soil were also participants in between others… Embodied debates, immersive drawings and wonderful discussion! Thanks!
December the 10th: we will be visiting COAVN in Bilbao with our lecture SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE and the EXPO-INSTALLATION “Pop-Up Somatic Architecture”… thanks for the invitation!... more info here…
Last Friday at Matadero, we had the session STATIC LOOSE; a street version of the Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP)… the CITY is SOMATIC… with María Ruiz Villar. In this occasion we worked with aspects of spatial navigation, cognitive maps, body image and body and space politics.
"Static Loose: Affordance/Agency" is the first of a series.
These sessions will be repeated once a month guided by María… who will dive each time within the concepts and experiences of our Laboratory. She will propose actions in different public spaces of Madrid, and a debate will follow. We will
Architecture and medical studies? October the 23rd, we will be presenting our discoveries about Somatic Architecture within the Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP) within the VIII Simposium of Medical Humanities under the theme ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE BODY. It will start at 9:15 at the Faculty of Medicine of the U.S.P C.E.U in Madrid. You are invited to come! Just tell us in advance!
(Image: “Street organ in Amsterdam” by Ilse Bing, 1933)
Next Thursday, October the 17th, we will be part of the event for the presentation of the new monograph about ESTUDIO HERREROS. At 20:15 in SALA EQUIS. We will be together with Pedro Pitarch and David Bestue >>>> CONGRATULATIONS ESTUDIO HERREROS… we are looking forward to share the celebration with you!
TODAY we start! First session of the new season of the “Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape” (LSAAP)… from 18:30 to 20:30 at the “Aula de Análisis de Formas” of the Faculty of Architecture (Institute of Technology, San Pablo CEU University)… you are invited to come!
From this summer we are part of the Schumacher College Network… after our participation in Mundus Imaginalis we were going deep in how oral narration is a fundamental part of the creation of imaginaries within every culture… how these narrations build societies… and how ecology and biodiversity give us the possibility of thinking “the other”, and to make possible the coexistence of multiple subjectivities… but also, poetry and narrations from communities as different as the ones in Amazonia or Siberia, help us to go further from literal reality, seeing its multidimensionality… and this has political, social and architectural consequences… thanks
During summer, we continue diving on us… enfleshed!!… POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE, a growing project about subjectivities, anthropology of the senses and political consequences…
This year we are part of the scientific committee of the 5ª INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SOUND AND AUDIOVISUAL SPACES: “Philosophy, creation and current technology” and 23rd COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC MUSIC DAYS - JIEM 2020. Some of the institutions involved are the MNCARS (Reina Sofía National Museum) or he Faculty of Philosophy of the UAM. Here you have all the information to participate within the SPACE LABORATORY or sending an ARTICLE, you choose!!
The POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE © conquers domestic spaces in central Madrid… this research about anthropology of the senses reveals the somato-sensory universe of experience, the richness and originality of each individual, the multiple utopias coexisting- utopias used as method of transformation- but also, in between others the physiological landscapes. Everything within the continuous becoming and flux of construction of worlds and bodies, intertwined, always dynamic… in linkage. Going deeper in the incredible socio-political and ecological potential of one body… of one body like yours… revealing the cosmic character of a body… of bodies of cold and warm blood…
Visit the
This week we finished the first year of our Program in Somatics for Architecture and Landscape… as María Ruíz said: “OUR REVOLUTION IS TO LEAVE AS LEGACY A WORLD, NOT A PROPERTY”… … … … … … … … and on that we will continue…
Yesterday in Hamburg interactive opening of the expo-installation POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE … thanks to all the participants, but especially to the ones who were travelling to be with us… your presence was more than a present!!... And once more thanks to Wiktor, Sara, Jan, Katja y Mathias!!
First process of assemblage of the POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE within the workshop “Sensing, a professional competence” at the HafenCity Universität Hamburg… Thank you Sara, Wiktor and Jan… tomorrow we will have the interactive opening!... in really good company, together with the workshop by Katja Münker and the lecture by Wiktor Skrzypczak…
Together with Erin Manning, Brian Massumi or Tim Ingold (incredible people to share ideas with!!!) we participate (Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez) within de series 2 of PODCAST of the project “SOMATICS TOOLKIT. A Somatics Toolkit for Ethnographers”. The project is a research of the “National Center for Research Methods” and “Coventry University” in between other institutions. Thanks to Eline Kieft, Ben Spatz and especially to Doerte Weig for being interested in our work and for inviting us to participate. Thanks also to Christine Garrington for making things easy! You can know this project and listen to the podcast here.
First EXPO-INSTALLATION of our project “POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE” in HAMBURG. It will be at the HafenCity Universität, in May the 15th. The installation, about our research in anthropology of the senses, will be accompanied by the performative-lecture “Dance and Architecture: A Rehearsal at the Common Lab. The origins of a Pop-Up Somatic Architecture.” Everything within the workshop “Sensing, a professional competence” organized by Wiktor Skrzypczak and coordinated by Sara Lusic-Alavanja. Thanks you both for this invitation!!
Our platform develops aspects of Architecture and Landscape through somatics, more especifically through the Feldenkrais Method. In this way, within our Universitary Program we experiment directly on us all the concepts we are interested in, related to imagination, body and spatial structures, living systems or socio-political ones. If you don’t know yet the Feldenkrais Method through which we develop the embodied experiences of our platform, you have now the opportunity to do it! I will be working two months in CENTRO ACTÚA (located in Madrid). CENTRO ACTÚA is a school for actors where we will have a two months workshop.
Something to write down in your agenda: The next May the 7th we will be “on air” within the Feldenkrais Summit 2019> “THE MAP IS THE TERRITORY”. We will be part of the three interventions about “STRUCTURE AND TENSEGRITY” and we will share the track with JOHN SHARKEY (BIOTENSEGRITY) and ROBERT SCHLEIP (FASCIA). Our intervention will be about the Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP) and the studies about embodied cognition in architecture. You will be able to see our interventions and the other 24, on-line and free, along the 48h after the first broadcast. You can see
During July 2018, the International Conference “MOVEMENT: BRAIN, BODY, COGNITION” was developed at Harvard Medical School. We participated with two contributions, the first was a workshop about imagination and embodied cognition; the second was this PAPER about the pioneering pedagogical experience developed at the “Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape”. The PAPER registered the experiences at the Laboratory between the years 2016 and 2018. Now we put it here available in our archive. You can download it in the following link:
(Image: “Heliografías para cuerpos de sangre fría y caliente”, Buenos Aires, 2015. Authors: Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez
“IN BETWEEN DANCE AND ARCHITECTURE: A conversation with Jone San Martin and Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez”. Monday March the 25th at 19:00 at C.O.A.M: you are all invited, we will be waiting for you at the Logia of the College of Architects in Madrid… there will be more than words! Ü... If you want to come just make the free registration here:
Yesterday within the EUROPAN ESPAÑA website, they talked about the process of our project winner in EUROPAN 6 in Córdoba… the post contain also the link to the article I was writing for the local press on February the 21st. I thought I had to write it to let know architects and citizens how all this happened. How important decisions about urban issues are taken in our cities… The outcome is not positive, that is why is important to know the story. Here you have one of the first images of this beloved project in Córdoba in which my team
08-2.2019 LSAAP NEWS
We have started again with our program in “Somatics for Architecture and Landscape” and we are happy to see different people and institutions interested in our work. In the following moths we are scheduling a couple of interviews about our experience. The first with Coventry University (UK) and their program “Somatics Toolkit for Ethnographers”, thanks to Doerte Weig for inviting us; the second will be for the “Feldenkrais Awareness SUMMIT. The map IS the territory” (USA) and it will be done with Cynthia Allen. Thanks also to Cynthia and her team for making it happen. We will inform you when
04-2.2019 INVITATION: Open session LSAAP
Wednesday February the 6th YOU ARE INVITED to come to the first session of the second semester of the Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape. We will talk about how to learn through experience with reference to John Dewey, Donal Schön or different authors who nowadays defend “Situated Cognition”; we will have as case study the “Center for Sensibility” proposed by Yves Klein and Werner Ruhnau; and we will finish the day sensing all this in our own flesh with the experience “ARMS INTEGRATION”… At 18:30, in the Análisis de Formas classroom, EPS Universidad San Pablo CEU in Monteprincipe.
This week we received the last two catalogues which include our work: “BECOMING” from the Venice Architecture Biennale, and “OPA” with the graphic work of architects at COAM… they are now available in bookshops… our library grows! Ü
*There are finite and infinite projects.// *Finite projects have boundaries; infinite projects work with boundaries, including them.// *We cannot say when an infinite project started, neither is important.// *Finite projects are bounded by time; infinite ones create their own time.// *Finite projects are bounded in space; infinite ones create their own space.// *An infinite project can host finite projects within… the opposite is not possible.// *The finite project is the triumph of the past over the future… through anticipation and pre-definition. The infinite project is the triumph of the future over the past… its outcomes are endlessly open. WE PRESENT YOU:
From yesterday Mª AUXILIADORA GÁLVEZ through PSAAP and its University Program is part of the “Research Directory” of the CENTRE FOR SENSORY STUDIES based in CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, Montreal, Canada. We invite you to visit it because you will be able to know the websites and projects of a big collection of prestigious scholars within the area of sensory experience… they come from different disciplines like Anthropology, Sociology, History, Architecture, Literature, Philosophy, Film production or Art… you will be also able to go through the projects and texts of the centre exploring the other areas of the website…
This year we participate in the III series of “Entre Música y Arquitectura” (In between Music and Architecture). It will be a dialogue about DANCE and ARCHITECTURE with JONE SAN MARTIN and Mª AUXILIADORA GÁLVEZ. Jone visited us last November in the Seminar WE ARE ALL ABLE BODIES and we were all very impressed… we are looking forward to continue talking with her… in March it will be possible… we will remind you the date… but here you have the whole program of this cycle. The opening: January the 21st
02-1.2019 HAPPY 2019
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019… our best wishes for you… from PSAAP
We prepare the next season of the Program of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape. We begin in FEBRUARY. 13 sessions, 2 hours every week, 3 university credits, 3 confirmed special guests, 2 skeletons, 1 space, 2 landscapes, 1 university, 1 institute, 1 unique opportunity to learn different things in a different way, registration 200€ for the whole semester… Join us!... write to
22-12.2018 JURY CoLAB (ETSAM)
Yesterday, the day of the winter solstice, we closed the first part of the academic year participating in the CoLAB final JURY at ETSAM. The RIBOT Unit, with Almudena leading and with Diego García Setién, Enrique Espinosa, Ignacio Borrego, Begoña de Abajo and Gaizka Altuna, has been working in a fascinating process of collaboration and creativity in the abandoned Packard building in Detroit. It was a pleasure to share with all of them and the students their final revision… Ecology, resilience, social dynamics, community, thermodynamics and inclusive environments were some of the key words and concepts… Thank you for inviting
OPENING!!: From December the 19th you will be able to know a little part of the graphic work of Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez within the collective exhibition OPA (“Plastic Work of Architects”) that will be celebrated at C.O.A.M. The piece titled “House of Fairytales” is a collage (silk paper and ink on paper, 50x70cm) showing the spatial and atmospheric imageries of the homonymous project developed in 2014. We prefer that you discover the collage “on site” but the project, we invite you to see it here: The opening of the exhibition will be December the 19th at 19:00… We
TODAY WE CELEBRATE that “APREHENDIENDO ARQUITECTURA A TRAVÉS DE LAS ARTES ESCÉNICAS” is already available as DIGITAL BOOK. Thanks to the effort of Jaume Blancafort and Patricia Reus we can enjoy this volume that brings us a transversal piece of knowledge, really necessary in these years where specialization seems to be the rule. This kind of projects goes deep in the generation of collective imaginations that go further into alternative scenarios not only for educative environments but also for social ones, making them richer, more inclusive and diverse. Where you can learn about conceptual and artistic aspects but also the
We have only three sessions left before the end of the year in our “Program of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape”… and we WANT THEM TO BE SPECIAL!!
*****Wednesday December the 5th: VISUAL PERCEPTION and ATMOSPHERE> we will go deep into a case study from the beginning of the XX century that will bring us a collection of visual and atmospheric artefacts within the realms of architecture and scenic arts… we will also learn through the experience “WHITE DISC”.
*****Wednesday December the 12th: SPATIAL THINKING (2nd round) and the experience “FLEXIBLE RECTANGLE”
*****Wednesday December the 19th: final
Here you can see our proposal for the historical BETI JAI in Madrid: under a canopy of different fabrics, the proposal develops a cultural and political space open to the performance of different urban scenarios… apart from the main use for “Basque ball game”. The roof configures a collection of “skirts” that adjusting their height generate diverse atmospheres and thermodynamics according to the uses below. The space aim to be a referent for citizens’ participative processes within the city, but also a place for different imageries and perceptions…
02-11.2018 ROUND TABLE
Wednesday November the 7th at 12:00 in the COAM Auditorium, ROUND TABLE “Hacia una docencia de la arquitectura” within the celebrations of he 50 anniversary of the pedagogy of Architecture at the San Pablo CEU University (celebrations start at 10:00 a.m). We will be moderating the panel discussion about pedagogy that will include guests as Andres Perea Ortega, Izaskun Chinchilla Moreno, Aurora Herrera Gómez y Diego García Setién…
We can announce already the full program of the one and a half day Seminar/Workshop “WE ARE ALL ABLE BODIES: From Sensory Deprivation to Sensory Augmentation” that will be celebrated in Madrid the 16th and 17th of November. Registration: 30€… have a look, download the pdf… and you already know it… you will make the registration to join us!!! … we are looking forward to share with you such a special event!!!
We open new section within PSAAP, very soon we will be giving you more details: WE OPEN THE SENSORIAL CORNER… we work with sensorial image and perceptive experience and movement… in different mediums: making Architecture, Landscape or… through Functional Integration sessions IN OUR LIBRARY (FI- Feldenkrais Method of somatic education)… we celebrate today that Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez is already Feldenkrais Teacher accredited by the Feldenkrais Institute Spain… Ü
We have developed already three sessions of the Program in Somatics for Architecture and Landscape. We have done the Spatial and Structural tests and we have gone into the components of movement, the filogenetic evolution (do you remember the FISH BODY?) and our skeletal structure… everything through our attention and sensorial image. This week: Spatial Navigation and Cognitive Maps… fundamental to work in Architecture and Landscape: you can come and try one class, if you like it you can join us in the second semester.
Thanks to everyone participating in this pioneering experience and SPECIAL THANKS to María Ruíz
13-10.2018 CASA MÉXICO
Really interesting the new Casa México in Madrid! Last Tuesday we were part of the event “Juan Herreros and Enrique Norten, Global Practice: a conversation with Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez” (thank you both!!)…
28-9.2018 OCTOBER THE 3RD- 18:30
October the 3rd: we begin the university program in “Somatics for Architecture and Landscape” at the EPS USP-CEU… LAST DAYS TO JOIN!... and we begin with MALCOLM MANNING and his well known workshop MOVING FROM THE FISH BODY, come, enjoy the class… and stay…
We confirm to you the three KEY NOTE SPEAKERS/PERFOMERS within WE ARE ALL ABLE BODIES: FROM SENSORY DEPRIVATION TO SENSORY AUGMENTATION. We will count with the presence of SUSAN KOZEL (Philosopher and Choreographer), RACHEL THOMAS (Sociologist and Researcher) and JONE SAN MARTÍN (Choreographer and Dancer)… Send your contribution or your expression of interest to participate (before October the 5th), or just join the program SOMATICS FOR ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE! (before October the 3rd)
WE ARE ALL ABLE BODIES is a Research Seminar/Workshop that will be celebrated in November in Madrid at the EPS USP-CEU hosted also by the program
Next Friday we will be collaborating in one of the workshops by “Caín Teatro” at ETSAM. Thank you María Ruíz and the whole group for the invitation!! … If you want to experience what the “Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape” and its associated university program can offer to you, come and join us!! FRIDAY September the 21st at 18:00, in the “Aula Museo” of ETSAM.
We start the program “Somatics for Architecture and Landscape”> OPENING (OPEN) SESSION: September the 12th (Wednesday) at 18:30 at the Faculty of Architecture EPS USP-CEU. If you are just curious or simply, you want to start feeling architecture and landscape in other way… WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!!
(Image: Haus-Rucker-Co. Urban Toy, 1972)
We invite abstracts of up to 300 words outlining the intended contribution to the event, either in the format of an academic paper or performative demonstration. Due to limited numbers, we welcome also expressions of interest in attending as a participant, summarising interests in the seminar topic. // Please submit your abstract or expression of interest by email to by October 5th 2018, 12:00 pm (CET). Email subject: AAB call for contributions. Announcement of acceptance by October 22nd 2018. MORE INFORMATION:
GOOD NEWS to begin September!!:
THE INTERNATIONAL AMBIANCES NETWORK based in France SELECTS our project “WE ARE ALL ABLE BODIES: From Sensory Deprivation to Sensory Augmentation” to receive funding. Reserve your agenda November the 16th and 17th… in the following days we will inform you about the event and about how to participate. We will open the process to receive proposals. The event is directed by the PhD Architects Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez, Carolina Vasilikou and Izabela Wieczorek and it is organised in a partnership between the Institute of Technology Faculty of Architecture, San Pablo CEU University Madrid/Spain and the School
And now that our holidays are ending… we remind you that REGISTRATIONS at the SOMATICS FOR ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE course ARE OPEN!!! Do you want to research in architecture and landscape through your perception and your own organism? Join us in the course that will be developed at the FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE of the EPS Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid. We start September the 12th!! The program, based on somatic experience as a mean to learn and explore within architecture and landscape is focused in different modules, we mention here some of them: “Spatial navigation and components of movement”,
02-8.2018 PSAAP wish you beautiful holidays!
At the Platform of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape we just came back from Boston after teaching our communication and workshops… and full of new ideas we rest for a while… we want to wish you happy holidays and we hope to see you in September with the new projects and the new course about Somatics applied for Architecture and Landscape. See you all soon!
And… The Congress “Movement: Brain-Body-Cognition” in BOSTON is here!!!, Next week we will be at Harvard University presenting the oral communication “MOVEMENT AND COGNITION AT THE LABORATORY OF SOMATICS FOR ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE” and doing the series of workshops that you already know… ours, about imagination. We have left for you in facebook the abstract of the presentation… but there, we will develop much more including antecedents of our approach like the pedagogical ideas of John Dewey or Donald Shön; or experiences like the ones by Buckminster Fuller in relation with “Teleology” or the ones within the Architectural “Anti-School” Global
Do you want to come to an OPEN CLASS where you can see how can be the classes of the course of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape that we will develop the next academic year? We will have one next Monday July the 9th within the event “THE BOSTON EXPERIENCE- A TRILOGY OF WORKSHOPS”. We share the event with Chus Jiménez and Jaime Polanco. It will be from 10:00 to 13:30 in Juan Alvarez Mendizabal 65, Madrid. The three workshops will be in English and they will be a rehearsal about the ones we will be developing in Harvard in
27-6.2018 "becoming" CATALOGUE
It is already available the catalogue of the SPANISH PAVILION of the VENICE ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE. You can also enjoy it on-line in the following link:
We invite you to see the section “TRANSDISCIPLINAR” where our work is included… you have till November to see the exhibition live… there in Venice!
19-6.2018 C.O.C.A ART PRIZE... beginning...
We are recommended artist, since last week, in the C.O.C.A Art Prize network. With this stage, we open the possibility to be selected for the award that would allow us to implement our project POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE. The C.O.C.A (Center of Contemporary Artist) is a network of curators and collectors (The House of Collectors) that re-invent patronage in the XXI century… ARTTRIPS, and artists “ADOPTIONS”… in a new format… here we leave you our profile where you can see projects that we have shared with good and brilliant friends and colleagues like Edgardo Mercado, Sandro Rolla, Alejandra Salvador, Rocío
The universitary studies in “Somatics applied for Architecture and Landscape” are born at the Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, San Pablo CEU University in Madrid. We begin in September! And we have also the collaboration with the Feldenkrais Institute! If you are interested in a multidisciplinary approach to Architecture and Landscape, where you can study the relationships between body and space, neuroscience, perception and movement, imagination and the intertwining with Philosophy, Ecology or Biology… you will love these studies! Registration starts July the 17th.
More information writing at
The double publication “CREATION/ REACTION” is already available!!!
These volumes collect the papers presented within ECLAS 2017 celebrated at Greenwich University in September. They contain the contribution “REVOLUTIONARY LANDSCAPES” by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez within the Session 12 “DEMOCRACY”… The first is the ABSTRACTS catalogue. The second is the complete volume “PROCEEDINGS”, a digital publication produced with the sponsor of the prestigious publisher Routledge. Thanks to Greenwich University and specially to Ed Wall and Tim Waterman!!
B-E-C-O-M-I-N-G_ You can visit already the Spanish (Virtual) Pavilion of the 16ª Venice Architectural Biennale, where a special layout of our maps is exhibited. The maps are the graphic version of the PhD research “Active Matter: Dance as Experimental Field for Architecture of Phenomenological Roots” presented in 2012. And from May the 25th: we will be able to visit the maps within the physical pavilion at the “Arsenale di Venezia”… Do you find our maps?_
Yesterday, May the 25th the Spanish Pavilion of the 16ª Venice Architecture Biennale was opened. From now to November the 25th you can visit it and see physically our “Maps of Active Matter”, but also the rest of documents developed by a big number of colleagues and friends within the exhibition #BECOMING… visit the virtual pavilion: !!!
It is a collection of MAPS, architectural and landscape PROJECTS, and WRITINGS going deep in the role of imagination in order to renovate continuously our pre-conceptions and behaviours about society and environment, looking for an evolution in which each of us is able to understand the ecosystem, to respect it and to develop a more tuned society in relation with it. Relationships in between us and our environments and the politics of space involved within, are in continuous
In the next session of the Laboratory of Somatic for Architecture and Landscape, “FLOATING RECTANGLE” will bring us to a sensorial, geometrical and atmospheric experience. We have only two classes left… and we want them special! … Wednesday May the 9th at 18:30… we will also include the first part of the monitoring final tests, in this case about “structural thinking”… all this are only some aspects of the POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE (registered trademark)… about this… we will talk to you very soon!
(Image> manipulation of: "Interno-esterno", collage, Ugo La Pietra, 1980./ "Interno-esterno", Installation at the Triennale di Milano, Ugo
Double open workshop- just registration is needed- within the “Laboratory of Somatic for Architecture and Landscape” and with our international guest MALCOLM MANNING.
SENSING ATMOSPHERES- (April the 4th and 5th, 2018)
On the first evening (4th at 18:30), Malcolm will introduce some of his extra-somatic practices – extra-somatic in the sense that, while they share the somatic modality of being talked through and into an experience of self, the starting point is a different metaphor of the mind/body relationship: that the mind is a field the both suffuses in and beyond the material body and that the material body
INSCRIPTION BEFORE APRIL THE 15TH: We launch a SUMMER COURSE at UPM, and you cannot miss it! With guests like Jonathan Hill, Iñaki Ábalos, Kiel Moe, Javier Peña, Raoul Bunschoten, Klaus K. Loenhart, Izabela Wieczorek, Ana Mombiedro, Salvador Rueda, Carlos Vergara or Manuel Quirós (from Biomimicry Iberia)… with teachers like Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez, Javier García-Germán, Manuel Collado and Diego García-Setién… and under the title:
“ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: SOMATICS, THERMODYNAMICS AND ENERGY for prototyping ecological architectonical objects”…
The course is coordinated by Diego García-Setién and Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez, and it will be develop at E.T.S.A.M from June the 17th to July the
March the 8th at COAM: presentation of the new stage of the Magazine of the College of Architects (Madrid) and the “Laboratory of Somatic for Architecture and Landscape” participates inside the section RADAR. We are really happy to see that our innovation in pedagogy of Architecture and Landscape is selected for this special first (nº0-MANIFESTO) of such a historical magazine. If you come (past, present and future collaborators, advisors and participants:-) we can share comments and celebration. Thanks to everybody once again to be part of this project!
On February the 9th Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez shared the final jury of the “Energy & Sustainability” module at the MCH with Almudena Ribot and Javier García-Germán. Within the Master in Collective Housing (MCH) we were able to discuss the work of the students that in only two weeks, developed an interesting collection of thermodynamical and design strategies. Thanks to all the participants!
We have already the OPEN WORKSHOPS that we will have in the following months within the “Laboratory of Somatic for Architecture and Landscape”:
FEBRUARY the 14th: JAIME POLANCO (Biomechanical aspects)
MARCH the 7th: ANA MOMBIEDRO (Neuroscience and Architecture: eye- ear)
APRIL the 4th and 5th: MALCOLM MANNING (Double workshop indoor and outdoor in the landscape of the abandoned old munitions dump, Montegancedo)
APRIL the 25th: JAIME POLANCO comes back and with him we will “rehearse” the workshops that we will develop at HARVARD University this summer: [“Alice in Wonderland”: Motor Imagery and Movement in Conceptual and
January the 25th we were invited to participate in the “Doctorate Encounters” of the ETSAM. 80 researchers shared 3 working sessions. We shared the session “CITY AND ECOLOGY. URBAN DISCOURSES II”, coordinated by Juan Elvira, with Mauro Gil-Fournier. In the event, with a general thematic about collective imagery, participated Carlos Arroyo, Samuel García, Rodrigo Delso and Mateo Fernández-Muro. Soon, we will be able to enjoy a publication with a brief record of the debates. (Image: Architectural Probes. Diller+Scofidio.)
We begin the year with DOUBLE good news AT HARVARD! > As you know (last post) the paper by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez “Movement and Cognition at the Laboratory of Somatic for Architecture and Landscape” was accepted some days ago at the “Movement and Cognition” International Conference of Harvard University, but now we confirm that within the WORKSHOPS section it will be develop the one prepared by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez and Jaime Polanco: “ALICE IN WONDERLAND: MOTOR IMAGERY AND MOVEMENT IN CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL LEARNING PROCESSES”… We begin the year with really optimistic atmosphere!... We will rehearse it in Madrid before leaving
And… this summer we will go not only to Boston but also to Venice! We will be at the 16ª VENICE ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE: the doctoral dissertation developed by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez “Active Matter: Dance as an Experimental Field for Architecture of Phenomenological Roots” will be part of the exhibition at the Spanish Pavilion, within the section “speeches”. The exhibition curated by Atxu Amann, brings together- under the title BECOMING- material produced in educational environments. Interesting and promising the big selection of works that will allow us to enjoy a transversal cut of these productions and learning experiences since 2012 till
27-12.2017 MOVEMENTIS
We are so HAPPY! Harvard University has selected our abstract about the “Laboratory of Somatic for Architecture and Landscape” to be presented at the International Conference MOVEMENTIS > “MOVEMENT-BRAIN-BODY-COGNITION” that will be celebrated in Boston this summer. > > It will be a wonderful occasion to learn! Thanks to all of you who participate or collaborate and in this way allow us to continue our study about “embodied cognition” in Architecture and Landscape.
(Image: Choreographer Anna Halprin and architect Walter Gropius at a costume ball. Circa 1942-44)