C.O.C.A ART PRIZE... beginning...
We are recommended artist, since last week, in the C.O.C.A Art Prize network. With this stage, we open the possibility to be selected for the award that would allow us to implement our project POP-UP SOMATIC ARCHITECTURE. The C.O.C.A (Center of Contemporary Artist) is a network of curators and collectors (The House of Collectors) that re-invent patronage in the XXI century… ARTTRIPS, and artists “ADOPTIONS”… in a new format… here we leave you our profile where you can see projects that we have shared with good and brilliant friends and colleagues like Edgardo Mercado, Sandro Rolla, Alejandra Salvador, Rocío Santo-Tomás, Patricia Ramos or Felicita Forte in between others:
Here we go! Ü