Multiple City Updates
Multiple City Updates: Informal Space Reserve
Abstract: Falkenberg’s garden city and his informal space caused by the party, give rise to an insight into novel spatial practices and the places that invite to carry them out. Detecting these last ones-among others-in the open grounds and abandoned areas of our cities, they will be considered as informal space reserves and as imagination enhancers. From movements and stories, images of the possible ” multi-city ” are developed-as opposed to a simple and evident city of a established ” single-reading “-that feeds itself from the same and that needs, to be activated, a perceptual body awareness linked to the place in the everyday dwelling … it’s about the city that is built and diluted in successive cycles through experiences and practices of the multiple juxtaposed individualities, and that is subjected to endless re-readings about how things can be …
Author: Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez.
Year: 2013
Gálvez Pérez, Mª Auxiliadora: Multiple City Updates, Constelaciones. Revista de Arquitectura de la Universidad San Pablo CEU. 1,pp.145-158. ISSN 2340-177X.
Image: Erntefestumzug: August the 31st, 1919, Falkenberg. Genossenschaftsforum Archive, Berlín (Courtesy Renate Amann).