The Directorate General of Architecture of the Andalusian Regional Government, in collaboration with Panamanian public bodies such as the Panamanian Institute of Tourism, the Panamanian Ministry of Housing and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) in Panama, has promoted various actions within the international cooperation programme in Panama. Coordinated by Andalusian architects (Jorge Benítez between 2002 and 2005; María Auxiliadora Gálvez between 2005 and 2010; and Eva Luque between 2010 and 2012) and enriched with the collaboration of Panamanian architects and historians, these initiatives have had a significant impact on the conservation and enhancement of historic buildings and public spaces. Twinned actions that have been key in rehabilitation interventions such as Casa Boyacá, Casa Francia and Casa Amarilla in Panama City, preserving the integrity of these buildings and underlining their multicultural imprint. Likewise, the rehabilitation of housing and public spaces in Portobelo substantially improved the quality of life and health of residents. Initiatives such as the publication of the Guide to Architecture and Landscape in Panama, the Master in Social Housing and the exhibition ‘Through Andalusia. Social housing 1994-2005’ have contributed to the training of professionals, the transfer of knowledge in social housing policies and the valorisation of Panamanian heritage. These efforts demonstrate how cooperative architecture can promote sustainable development in alignment with the transition to new cities.

Coordinators: Jorge Benítez, Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez, Eva Luque (Architects).

Partners in Panama: Ariel Espino, Manuel Choy (Architects: Oficina del Casco Antiguo de la Ciudad de Panamá); Eduardo Tejeira (Historian); Joel Ceras (Architect).

Institutional Partners:  Oficina del Casco Antiguo de Ciudad de Panamá; Instituto Panameño de Turismo; Ministerio de Vivienda de Panamá; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) en Panamá; Facultad de Arquitectura de Ciudad de Panamá.


BOOKS: Guide to the architecture and landscape of Panama [Spanish/English] 2007.


Boyacá Building, Panama City, 2002-2005.

Casa Francia, Panama City, 2004-2009.

Casa Amarilla, Panama City, 2004-2010.

Maison Blanche (Preliminary Project), Colon City, 2006-2007.

CULTURE: Exhibition ‘Through Andalusia. Subsidised housing 1994-2005’, 2009.

EDUCATION: Master's Degree in Social Housing, Faculty of Architecture, Panama City, 2009.

URBAN SPACE: Rehabilitation of housing and public spaces in Portobelo, Colón. 2004-2010.