Imaginary Pragmatics: Tools for a Radical Urban Imagination
The production of new collective images, the expansion of the possibilities of reality through the most radical imagination, and the visualization of new scenarios is a fundamental part of an ideal ecosystem. We propose to go deep into our capacity as imaginative society to take a role to implement a different city. A city able to involve each and every one of the agents implicated following a “middle-out” urbanism. We propose the production of a series of visions, able to be shared by everybody and at the same time, able to be open scenarios to develop the future: each individual could project and integrate itself with them. The role of the architect in the “middle-out” urbanism, can be that one of a mediator in the generation of these images and common visualizations.
“One aim of a radical democracy project should be to preserve one’s own power for “radical imagination”, which means the capability for utopia, for thinking the Other.”
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, 1991
Imaginary Pragmatics produces powerful images proposing imaginary solutions based hard data. We work on three scenarios: a waterscape scenario (in order to depurate the water of the city), a forest scenario (spontaneous ecosystem in the case that man wouldn’t act on abandoned sites), and a mountain scenario (related to food production). The analysis of these visions transform them in realistic and desirable, bringing an ecosystem in better shape than the existing… utopia as method to reach realizable alternatives.
Go into the WORKSHOP webpage in ARCHIPRIX.
Direction: Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez
Collaborator: Alejandra Salvador
Advisor: Oscar Miravalles
Participants: Yorgos Berdos, Diego Giovani Bonifácio, Frances Cooper, Joao Ribeiro de Sena, Lex Hildenbrant, Yorgos Levantsiotis, Marina Morón, Alejandra Palma, Arno Wachtler.