Somatics for Architecture and Landscape, qualification (own-title) by the Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture of the CEU San Pablo University

This title is the first of its characteristics developed in Spain. The title is mainly oriented to research and academic studies and its territory is demarcated in between Neuroscience and Physiology, Philosophy, Ecology, Biology, Anthropology of the Senses and of course Architecture and Landscape. Its basis is related to embodied cognition. The Title is part of the program of the Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture of the San Pablo CEU University in Madrid. The course has also an agreement with the Feldenkrais Institute for its development.


1- To facilitate basic interdisciplinary knowledge in relation with Architecture and Landscape, through the studies linked to BODY and SPACE in their connections with Neuroscience, Philosophy, Biology, Socio-politics or Ecology.

2- To be part of an ongoing research about EMBODIED COGNITION in academic studies and different social groups. This aspect is totally innovative within the frame of the Spanish University.

3- To improve the participants capacity in terms of SPATIAL THINKING (spatial vision and qualitative and quantitative perception of spaces).

4- To improve the participants capacity in terms of STRUCTURAL THINKING (structural intuitions, systems analysis, extrapolation of physical qualities… all conducted through the self-experience of the body biomechanics and the initiation into the knowledge of body structural systems like the fascia and its tensegrity).

5- To improve the participants capacities in terms of INTEGRATION OF THEORETICAL CONCEPTS, learning in an embodied way and giving alternative access to paths of learning, different from the conventional ones used in academic frames.

6- To make an introduction within the environment of the ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE SENSES.

The Title is specially oriented to:

Students of Architecture and/or Architects.

Students and/or professionals of Arts.

But it is also open to people with interest in the relationship in between body and space or landscape through perception. Multidisciplinary approaches are welcomed.

This course is an interesting value for starting creative or PhD researches within the considered aspects. Specially can be useful to open research paths in anthropology of the senses and architecture, in somatics and space, or in imagination and cognition and learning.

The program last one academic year and has a dedication of two hours per week. Special sessions will be included, some of them in the landscape and some others will take the format of workshops with guests.

The direction and most of the sessions will be hold by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez (PhD in Architecture and Feldenkrais Teacher)

**Study aspects within the theoretical lessons:

-Introduction to the nervous system.

-Introduction to the anatomy of the skeleton and its biomechanics.

-Introduction to structural systems of living organisms and its comparison with other structural systems.

-Introduction to ontogenetic and phylogenetic development.

-Introduction to history of somatics in architecture and landscape.

-Introduction to morphogenesis in living systems.

-Introduction to the relationships in between neuroscience and architecture.

-Introduction to cognitive theories of space and imagination.

-Introduction to basic aspects of ecology.

-Introduction to body and politics.

-Introduction to anthropology of the senses.

**In more detail the sessions follow these scheme:

1º part. October-December:

Weeks 1-2 and 3: general introduction and monitoring of structural thinking and spatial thinking.

Weeks 4 and 5: components of movement and spatial navigation I. Ontogenetic and phylogenetic development.

Weeks 6 and 7: living systems and biomechanics I.

Weeks 8 and 9: sensorial sessions I. Neuroscience and architecture.

Weeks 10 and 11: motor imagery I. Imagination Theories.

Weeks 12 and 13: monitoring of structural thinking, spatial thinking and integration of theoretical concepts.

2º part. February-May:

Week 1: monitoring and components of movement II.

Week 2: structures and geometries.

Weeks 3 and 4: living systems and biomechanics II.

Weeks 5 and 6: sensorial sessions II. Anthropology of the senses and architecture.

Weeks 7 and 8: embodied cognition.

Weeks 9, 10 and 11: motor imagery II. Imagination and politics.

Weeks 12 and 13: monitoring of structural thinking, spatial thinking and integration of theoretical concepts.

Note: The different study aspects are included along the different series. For example issues about history of somatics in architecture and landscape are attached to sensorial sessions but also to the ones about living systems or motor imagery.

The Title gives 6 ECTS credits.

*** CREDITS FIRST EDITION (2018-19) of the University Program in Somatics for Architecture and Landscape:

Director and main professor: Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez

Asistant teacher and production: María Ruíz Villar

Guest professors: Marilupe Campero, Malcolm Manning, Jone San Martin, Mariano Molina, Cristina Palmese, Mª Concepción Pérez Gutierrez, Jaime Polanco, Patricio Simon, Susan Kozel (through the Seminar We Are All Able Bodies), Chus Jiménez (through the Seminar We Are All Able Bodies) and Rachel Thomas (through the Seminar We Are All Able Bodies).

Collaborator and teacher about acoustic space- visit to the anechoic chamber: Laura de Azcárate.

Participants: Aitor Casero, Simeón García, Rui Matias Soares, June Monreal, Begoña Moreno-Luque, Carmen Ramos, Lucía Redondo and Carmen Sotoca.

Institutions: Universidad San Pablo CEU- Faculty of Architecture (E.P.S). Feldenkrais Institute Spain.

Photography: María Auxiliadora Gálvez and María Ruíz Villar. 

*** CREDITS SECOND EDITION (2019-2020) of the University Program in Somatics for Architecture and Landscape:

Director and main professor: Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez

Asistant teacher and production. Director of the LOOSE Sesions: María Ruíz Villar

Guest professors: Narges Bazarjani, Mariano Molina, Mª Concepción Pérez Gutierrez and Jaime Polanco.

Participants: David González Arteaga, Begoña Prada, Laura Revuelta, Andrés Santa and María Sigüenza.

Guests: Pablo Blanco, Marta Botana, Ana Fernández Galván, Chus Jiménez, Carmen Martín Hernando and Nicole Schumann-Sizaret.

Institutions: Universidad San Pablo CEU- Faculty of Architecture (E.P.S). Feldenkrais Institute Spain.

Photography: Helena Fernández López, María Auxiliadora Gálvez and María Ruíz Villar.