Report of the Laboratory of Somatics for Architecture and Landscape (LSAAP 2016-17)

LSAAP(L) is the first Laboratory of this characteristics developed in Spain. Format and contents are thought by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez to conform a pedagogical and research project whose description is registered at the G.R of the Intellectual Property at the “Comunidad de Madrid”. LSAAP(L) is hosted at the E.P.S Faculty of Architecture, San Pablo C.E.U University in Madrid, Spain. The Laboratory works with somatic experience as a way to develop pedagogy of architecture and landscaping based on self-experience in space and environment. We could say that the work is related to Embodied Cognition and Situated Cognition in architecture and landscape. Here you can follow its activities during the year 2016-17.

Author: Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez

Year: 2017

A fragment appears within the book: AA.VV, I Taller Interfacultativo de Innovación Docente, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo, Madrid, 2017. ISBN: 9788416477821
